
Fungiable Late Backing

Created by Thom Owen

Welcome to the late backing options for Fungiable, a Wretched & Alone solo journaling game. Here you can physical copies, journals, or if you felt like upgrading from a hardship tier, this is also available.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update #7 What is currently going on!
over 1 year ago – Sat, Oct 08, 2022 at 01:13:29 PM

Hey all!

First off, happy spooky season! Let's get down to brass tacks, though.

The Game / Writing:

The game is nearing its first complete rough draft. This means that soon it will get in the hands of our editor, then hopefully if there aren't too many writing complications it should go straight to layout. It looks like we're on track for our December fulfillment!

Deluxe Edition News:

The challenge coin proofs will arrive in late October, estimated around the 24th. I will also receive the bullet journal proof and proof version of LF OSR's alternate cover and share some more in-depth details to show in a later update. The new iteration of the challenge coins are phenomenal looking and I look forward to getting to show those off!

Actual Plays and some Actual Content:

I know that everything sort of feels nebulous and floating about right now. However, with the rough draft being out, we can actually have some play-test content! Ryan from The Weekly Scroll, Kirby from DistasterTourism and perhaps even some more wonderful folk will stream some playthroughs for Fungiable and I'm very excited that you all will get to see what has been going on behind the scenes.

That all said, I look forward to the next fortnightly-ish update and sharing what all this hard work has led to.

Until next fortnightly-ish update,


Update #5 Smoke Tests and Challenge Coins, along with other news.
over 1 year ago – Thu, Sep 15, 2022 at 09:29:11 PM

Hello All!

Just reaching out to touch bases and let you know what has been cooking so far. Writing has been going well, and we should be able to share some actual plays of the game soon! The Backerkit add-ons + latebacking are currently in review and soon the smoke test surveys will be going out. So if you have decided you'd like to upgrade to a physical copy or grab a journal, that will be possible throughout October. 

As for the state of the challenge coin, it has gone under a fair amount of revision. There is one final tweak remaining and I'll be sharing that when I get the new art and the physical proof, but here is one of the prototypes that is very close. 

An imagine of a coin with mushroom motifs and a circuitry like symbol.
Challenge Coin Pre Final Revision.

I'll be even more stoked to show the final revision and the physical proof once I have my hands on it. I'll give a small hint. It'll glow.  Other worthwhile mentions are we are finalizing the art for the journal and making it a little less Fungiable focused but keeping all the themes and symbols as well, yet making it to where it wouldn't look out of place to just take regular notes in.

That is it for now, until next time.

-Thom Owen

Gratitude, Timeline and Backerkit.
over 1 year ago – Fri, Sep 02, 2022 at 11:10:06 AM

Hey all,

I just wanted to express my huge amounts of gratitude for everyone who made this campaign possible and the project be able to come to life. It has been a wild 30 days and I am thankful for everyone who has supported this campaign in one way or another.  We received a kind donation from a backer to bring it to the final stretch goal that will improve the quality of what you receive, so we will be going with the best printing options possible.  Every single one of you are wonderful.


As I have to now put some writing time in to create the NG+ content and hooks along with polishing some areas, things are still on track. I set my ship out date with this in mind, even if we didn't reach the goal. From there it'll go from edit to layout to print and then hopefully into your hands by December. I'll be updating with proofs, content and actual plays sporadically but maintaining a fortnightly update post on here. 


I will be setting up Backerkit in the very near future for late backing and shipping purposes. Due to the different types of mail (international, media, etc) this was the safest choice to guarantee that everyone gets the completed product. 

Thank Yous:

I'd like to thank the various folks that talked about or showed off Fungiable's campaign and really helped spread the word.

Tony | Plus One Exp

The Weekly Scroll

Known Unknown

Black Dragon Dungeon Company

Wyrd Science

Linda Codega / Gizmodo

I'd be remiss to not mention all of the lovely people who shared and supported the campaign and tweets across a few discords as well. To anyone that I happened to miss, thank you as well.

I'll make sure to keep you all posted with anything that happens moving forward, so, time to get writing.

Until next time,

-Thom Owen

Weekly Recap #4 (Journals, Stretch Goals and The End is Nigh!)
over 1 year ago – Sat, Aug 27, 2022 at 11:32:11 AM

Hello all!

We're closing in on the last few days for Fungiable's ZineQuest campaign, and it has gone exceptionally well. We reached the $2,500 stretch goal which means that the zine will be packed with more content. Particularly, it will have ways to alter your next playthrough giving you a different and perhaps more dark experience. Thank you so much for making this possible as this only will improve the quality of Fungiable.

As a bit of gratitude, I decided to include bespoke journals that will be handcrafted by Leo at L.F. OSR to the SPOR Affiliate Deluxe tier. We have a few ideas on how we want them to look, but here is one of the current physical mockups:

Document the Downfall: A Journal For Fungiable
Journal Cover (Subject To Change)

As always, with this project we are trying to keep it as eco-friendly as possible. The paper used is FSC certified, 100% post consumer recycled, manufactured with 100% renewable green energy, and processed using chlorine-free practice.  Interior pages of the journal will be bullet paper. 

We're still in the process of changing up the challenge coins as well, seeing as they got close but we felt that the design could definitely be more impactful and cool. I hope to have updates sooner rather than later regarding this (some hints: duo-tone and polished metal).

Once again, I have to say, I am very thankful for everyone making this project come to life and that in these last 4 days I hope that you share this campaign to anywhere you think people would be interested. Tweet, Insta, Facebook, Discord, your friend who hates cryptocurrencies but loves rpgs. That word of mouth is truly invaluable as stated before and allows things to only increase in quality from here.

I'll be in touch soon,


Weekly Recap #3
over 1 year ago – Sun, Aug 21, 2022 at 07:30:58 PM

Hey all! 

Whats new? Well we hit our goal for a full color interior and we are a stiff breeze away from being able to add a NewGame+ set of rules and prompts to the game (boosting the content you're getting by about 30% as this covers both winning and losing). The challenge coins are under more art revision from the company as I didn't quite like how the focus was pulled away from certain elements, so this coming week I hope to have a much more appealing option there. Speaking of that, 11 remain of the limited tier and the cover has finally been decided and it works with the bespoke paper. Behold this glory:

Two large green mushrooms on a fibrous paper background with the title Fungiable
Fungiable Alternate Cover

Each cover will be very unique and have their own peculiar inclusions from with very eco-friendly post consumer handmade paper. Camera doesn't really do it justice, so, we can't wait for it to be in your hands so you can see it yourself!

What is up coming? Well we'll finally be revealing some of the game in mockup spreads this coming week. We have some Actual Plays planned during the Backerkit phase too, so you'll get to see the game in action. 

Thanks for checking in and until next update, take care!


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